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Effective Treatment Options for Herniated Discs

Herniated discs

Herniated discs can be very painful and can sometimes make it difficult to move around. Fortunately, there are a few treatment options for this issue that are quite effective. If you feel as though you might have a herniated disc, then our doctor and staff can take X-rays and perform other tests to determine the severity of the issue.

The plan that our doctor puts in place is often customized for your body as not everyone is the same. You might react to one method of treatment that someone else might not react to, such as physical therapy. Your symptoms will also be taken into consideration as some could be treated in a different way than others.

Our doctor will usually advise effective treatments for a herniated disc that don’t involve surgery. However, if the herniation is severe and it’s pressing on nerves that impact your quality of life, then surgery might be an option that has to be explored.

Weakness in your arms and legs is often a sign that something needs to be done as soon as possible to provide relief compared to mild pain that only impacts your movements if you turn the wrong way or if you sit or stand for long periods of time. If professional treatment isn’t prescribed, then the herniation could result in permanent nerve damage, which is why it’s important for you to let our doctor know as soon as you experience any symptoms associated with this issue.

Again, treatments other than surgery are usually recommended. It may take a few different treatments in order to find one that will work for your symptoms. One treatment can be used at a time, or our doctor might suggest using multiple treatments if your pain is severe. With that being said, we have found spinal decompression to be quite effective in the treatment of herniated discs.

Schedule an appointment at La Grange Chiropractic so that you can have the proper exams performed to determine the severity of your herniated disc and to create the best treatment plan. Contact us today to book your initial evaluation at our office in La Grange. We look forward to hearing from you!

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