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Treatment of Common Health Conditions

LaGrange Chiropractic provides services to treat many common health ailments. We serve areas such as Oldham County, Carrollton, Crestwood, Bedford, Buckner, Campbellsburg, Henry County and Trimble County, KY.

Click on any ailment below to learn more on how Chiropractic care can reduce and, most times, eliminate many common health ailments:


Suffering with sinus problems and allergies is a condition that many people live with every day of their lives. Runny nose, watery eyes and a host of threatening body responses are often the result of sinus and allergy problems. Your immune system is meant to protect you from anything that is not supposed to be in your body. Sometimes it cannot function as it was intended and your body is left at the mercy of pollutants, dust, pollen and drugs.

The most common treatment for sinus and allergy problems has been to treat symptoms. Sinus issues and allergies are generally caused by histamines, so antihistamines are often used to dry the membranes. It then appears that the problem is solved. In reality, this only suppresses the symptoms. The problem with the immune system is often ignored.

Stress on the nervous system may prevent it from operating at its best, therefore, it cannot deal with outside conditions affecting the body. When the nervous system functions properly, it can aid the immune system in a natural way. There have been great strides in helping people with sinus and allergy problems. You need to find the right solution for you. Wouldn’t it be great if your solution could be a natural one? Ask Dr. Petrucci hoe LaGrange Chiropractoc can be a part of successfully alleviating your sinus and allergy problems.

Pinched Nerve

There are pairs of opening between each spinal bone.

Like an open window, nerve openings along your spine must be clear and unobstructed.

It’s called a pinched nerve because that’s what it feels like. But there’s a lot more going on!

The 24 moving bones of your spine protect your spinal cord while permitting normal turning and bending. Pairs of nerve roots, one on each side, branch off your spinal cord at each segmental level to service the organs and tissues of your body. When these openings are unobstructed, your brain can properly control and regulate your body.

When a spinal bone is malpositioned, it can encroach upon these important nerve openings. Nerve irritation can result. Chiropractors call that a subluxation.

Two Types of Reactions

When spinal bones lose their normal motion or position, it can cause one of two types of nerve disturbances:

  • Compressed lesion – This is just a fancy name for a pinched nerve. What surprises many is that it’s actually quite rare. More common is a…
  • Facilitative lesion – This is when the nerve root is stretched, irritated or chafed. Think: hard tissue rubbing on soft tissue.

But remember, bones are static structures. They don’t move unless muscles move them. And muscles don’t move bones unless commanded by the nervous system. An irritated nerve creates a vicious loop. Chiropractors locate these areas of your spine and reduce their impact on your nervous system.

A Precise Nudge

A thorough examination helps identify areas of your spine where spinal bones are stuck and not moving correctly. Then, your chiropractor will give them a precise little nudge called a chiropractic adjustment. Your body uses this energy to “right itself” and nerve irritation can be reduced.

Because chiropractic addresses the integrity of your nervous system, it’s a natural solution to many health problems, not just back and neck disorders!


Arthritis pain and the limits it places on your life may soon be eliminated. Arthritis is a condition of the entire body, but it is most often seen in the joints. A friend loved one or even you, may wake up with body stiffness, joint aches or experience pain that limits activity.

It is estimated that most people over the age of 50 have some form of the problem (usually osteoarthritis). Many people much younger can also suffer the effects of arthritis. It is sometimes traced to stress placed on the body, more specifically spinal stress, which causes wear and tear on the joints.

The body’s natural defense can often be seen on x-rays of the spine, where spurring or bone growth has developed as a way to build up and protect a weakened area. The standard approach for many people is to treat the symptoms of pain and joint discomfort with drugs. This is only a temporary fix at best. Wouldn’t it make more sense to find the cause of the problem? Ask Dr. Lee L. Petrucci how LaGrange Chiropractic can be a part of successfully alleviating your arthritic condition.


Sciatica is a distracting pain that begins in the lower back and extends down one or both legs. It typically worsens with periods of sitting or standing.

The discs between the spinal bones of the lower back are often involved.

Trauma can cause one or more discs to bulge. This crowds nearby nerves, causing irritation and inflammation. Coughing, sneezing or other kinds of movement can be painful. If neglected, the nerve irritation extends down one or both legs along the sciatic nerves. The pain appears in the leg, but the culprit is often the lower back!

What to Do

Sciatica can worsen with bed rest. Medications don’t correct the nerve irritation caused by a bulging disc physical therapy merely increases your tolerance to pain. And surgical solutions make irreversible changes to discs or bones.

There’s Hope

Fortunately, improving joint motion in the lower back with a program of chiropractic adjustments has produced results for millions.

It all starts with a consultation and thorough examination.


Chiropractic is not a treatment for asthma. However, many who suffer from asthma report improvement by receiving chiropractic care.

Considerable research documents the link between the spinal column, the nervous system and the respiratory system. This is why so many people have mentioned improved breathing after a visit to to their doctor of chiropractic.

Drugs may temporarily reduce symptoms but ignore any underlying nerve disturbance.

Countless Causes

Asthma cases seem to be rising at an alarming rate. Some think it’s due to a combination of factors, especially the increase of chemicals in our environment. These days, airtight, super-insulated homes can trap chemicals, molds, formaldehyde and other irritants. Even the increasing use of vaccinations, cesarean births, antibiotics and our fascination with germ killing have been cited.

If these factors were the only issue, why wouldn’t all children living in the same house and breathing the same air, suffer equally?

Chiropractic Connection

Your diaphragm is the primary muscle used for breathing. Nerves that control each breath leave your brain and exit the spinal cord in the mid-neck (C3, C4 and C5) area. Spinal problems in this area can have a profound affect on the nerve supply to the diaphragm.

Reducing subluxations in the spine can help restore proper nervous system control of the lungs and improved function can result.

Proven Research

In fact, research published in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research documented the results experienced by 81 children with asthma who received chiropractic care. The two-month study revealed that those under care saw a 45% decrease in the number of “attacks” and that 31% of the subjects voluntarily chose to decrease their medication.

All this from improved nervous system control of the lungs!

Find Out More

Chiropractic care may help reduce the frequency and severity of asthma attacks. Naturally, we can’t make any promises, however, if your son or daughter has subluxations, and they are the cause of their symptoms, many have found relief with conservative chiropractic care. Call (502) 222-0000 to sceduale an appointment with LaGrange chiropractic & Rehab and get your specific questions answered today.


Scoliosis seems to mainly affect girls between the ages of 8 to 18.

Scoliosis is an abnormal sideways curvature of the spine. It begins as a postural distortion and can become a permanent deformity. Allowed to advance, it can interfere with the lungs, heart and many other vital organs.

Three Causes

  1. Congenital genetic predisposition
  2. Habitual behavioral routines
  3. Idiopathic unknown cause

Regardless of cause, early detection is essential.

Obvious Clues

An alert parent may notice that a high shoulder or low hip make clothing fit poorly. Uneven shoe wear can offer a clue. Back and leg pains may develop but are often dismissed as “growing pains.”

Wait and See?

Allowed to run its course, scoliosis usually worsens. Severe cases involve unsightly bracing or surgery that attaches steel rods, forcing the spine to straighten.

Natural Approach

Chiropractic care is a more natural solution. A schedule of specific chiropractic adjustments help improve the function and structure of the spine. As muscles are retrained and strengthened, posture can improve. Over the course of several months or longer, the spine can “right itself.”

Chiropractors have helped a lot of young people with scoliosis. Bring your child to LaGrange chiropractic for an evaluation and explore the possibilities.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel problems are a common effect of repetitive motions to abnormally functioning joints of the spine, arm and wrist.

Chiropractic techniques that work so well with the spine can be applied to other joints in the body. Virtually every joint is susceptible to fixations and malfunctions that impair function and range of motion. Trauma, micro-traumas, vibrations and repetitive motions are often culprits.

The Tunnel

The carpal tunnel is a band of ligaments and small bones in your wrist. Painful symptoms can result when nerves are compressed by a collapse of this nerve “tunnel.”

The Spine

Many are surprised to learn that the cause of their wrist problem may be due to functional changes to one or more joints of the neck, shoulder, elbow or wrist. Subluxations in the upper spine can compromise the workings of any structure between it and the tip of your littlest finger. This is often called the double crush syndrome.

Chiropractic First

It just makes sense to take the more conservative approach first: chiropractic first, drugs second and surgery last! Schedule a consultation Oldham County Spine and Rehab Center at (502)222-0000 to find out what safe and natural chiropractic can do for you.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can chiropractic repair bone spurs?

Bone spurs and other arthritic changes to joints in the feet, hands or spine is the body’s response to long-standing malfunction. Restoring proper joint function is thought to slow or stop this degenerative process.

Is it okay to wear a wrist brace?

A brace is often prescribed to help protect the wrist and reduce mobility. While it may alleviate certain symptoms, it virtually ignores the malfunctioning joints causing the problem. The chiropractic approach is to help restore proper motion to affected joints and strengthen supporting muscles and soft tissues. While this may require some type of ongoing supportive care, many patients are able to resume their activities without bracing.

Slipped Disc

A disc can’t slip. But it can wedge, bulge, protrude and herniate. Chiropractic care can help.

Toothpaste tube with toothpaste squirted out

The most serious disc problem is a prolapsed disc in which the soft center ruptures and leaks.

Space for Nerves

The disc is a special cartilage between the bones of your spinal column. It attaches to the vertebra above and below it. This creates the separation between spinal bones so pairs of nerves can exit the spine.

Turning and Bending

Each spinal disc has a jelly-like “ball bearing” core that is contained by bands of fibrous tissue. Healthy discs give you flexibility for normal turning and bending. Improper lifting, slips, falls and car accidents can cause the core to shift:

Herniation – disc wedging narrows nerve openings. Obvious symptoms may not be present.

Protrusion – like a blister, the disc bulges where it is the weakest, causing nerve pressure.

Prolapse – with the cushioning and separating compromised by rupture, movement is painful.

Chiropractic First

Chiropractic has been a natural solution helping millions with a variety of disc problems.

Ear Infections

As parents, it makes us feel so helpless. Our child is suffering but there seems little that we can do. No wonder reoccurring ear infections (otitis media) account for a huge number of pediatrician visits. Ear infections aren’t the result of a drug shortage or deformed eustachian tubes!

Antibiotic therapy. This may be effective for acute bacterial infections, but many cases are viral, for which antibiotics are useless.

Tubes in the ears. Surgical implantation of artificial drainage tubes require the administration of a risky anesthesia and then, often come out!

However, more and more parents are choosing a more thoughtful approach:

Chiropractic care. A thorough examination to locate, and adjustments to reduce, nerve disturbances that may make the ears prone to infection.

Ear infections aren’t the result of a drug shortage or deformed eustachian tubes! Our bodies have an incredible capacity to fight infection. When that ability is impaired, it means something else is going on.

Nerve Compromise

It surprises many to learn that some of the nerves that control, regulate and monitor the ear, begin in the brain stem, continue down the spinal cord and exit out from between the bones of the spinal column.

Changes to the function of the bones in the upper neck can compromise the quality of the nerve messages to and from the brain. Obviously, this can affect the ability of any organ or tissue, in this case your child’s ear, to “defend itself” from infection.

Impaired Drainage

Nerve compromise is often accompanied by abnormal tension to the muscles that support the spine. Besides “protecting” the spine from further compromise, these muscle spasms can exert pressure on nearby lymphatic drainage ducts. This can interfere with natural drainage, further compounding the problem.

What Chiropractors Do

The chiropractic approach is simple. When parents bring their child to a chiropractor, a thorough examination looks for distortions in the upper spine. If nerve tension is detected, the chiropractor will gently reduce it with safe and natural chiropractic adjustments. This helps restore nervous system integrity. For a child or infant, this usually requires little more than a light touch–about the pressure you’d use to test the ripeness of a tomato.

Parents love the chiropractic approach. It’s safe. Natural. And chiropractors explain everything in advance.


The throbbing…pounding…sensation of a splitting headache is an all too accepted condition for millions of people each day. Some suffer with headaches several times a month, others even more often. A headache can be a distraction that affects your job and your family life. HEADACHES are not a normal condition.

Many people resort to medication to temporarily dull the pain. Unfortunately, relief is often fleeting, and the cycle returns again and again. It seems no matter how many pills are taken, if the cause of the problem is not identified and treated, the headaches will continue.

Although many things can cause a headache; including sinus problems and alcohol use, the most common cause is muscle tension. The brain itself does not register the ache of a headache, but there are nerves, veins and arteries that are wrapped around the head. If these cranial nerves are compressed, pulled or irritated, a headache can be the result. Help is often possible! Ask Dr. Lee L. Petrucci, how LaGrange Chiropractic can be a part of successfully treating your headaches.


Pregnancy is extremely hard on the lower back as well as on the neck and shoulders. Examine the spine of an expectant mother from the side and it’s easy to understand why they’re in pain. Due to the increased development of the breast tissue, the shoulders are rounded forward, placing tremendous pressure on the neck and shoulders. The weight of the growing child places the lower back in a strenuous position.

The nine months of pregnancy brings many hormonal changes that relax the ligaments which stabilize the lower back and pelvis. As the pelvis rotates down in the front, the muscles of the lower back become short and tight, causing an increase in pressure on the pain sensitive joints of the lower back, producing achy lower back pain.

Neck Pain

Imagine balancing a 12 lb. (5.5 kg.) bowling ball on the tips of your fingers….All day long.

That’s just one of many things your neck must do. Your neck and shoulders work hard. Even the smallest deviation in the relationships of the seven bones of your cervical spine (neck) can cause pain and reduced head and neck mobility.

Ever meet someone who was a pain-in-the-neck?

Your neck is one of the most nerve-rich areas of your spine. Problems here; can cause problems throughout your body.

Minor and Major

Generally, chiropractors see neck and shoulder pain involving sensations of discomfort, stiffness or soreness. If these symptoms last for more than a day or so, occur frequently or were preceded by an accident or some type of injury, we consider it major.

Response to Stress

Physical, emotional or chemical stress can affect the frequency and severity of neck pain. For many of us, the neck and shoulders are the “weakest link in the chain” and so stress shows up here.

Often, emotional stress is the overlooked culprit. Ever hear of something being a “pain in the neck”? Fear, anger or frustration can trigger the tightening of our neck muscles without our even being conscious. In time, chronic muscle spasms set in. Which can lead to headaches.

Some over-the-counter pain reliever might dull the pain, but it ignores the underlying cause!

Consult a Chiropractor

Chiropractors see this sort of thing all the time. It’s almost routine. Chiropractic care has a history of producing excellent results with those suffering from neck pain. And it’s done naturally, without drugs or surgery.

We get great results with many types of neck pain.

Stress will often show up first in your neck. Chiropractic care may help.

Chiropractors specialize in reducing interference to the nervous system in the neck. Many patients find that chiropractic care gives them relief from both minor and major neck and shoulder complaints. Call (502) 222-0000 to schedule a consultation, and find out if you’re a good candidate for today’s safe and natural chiropractic care.

General Pain

Pain is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. It’s a warning sign. Each and every day millions of people experience pain at some point in their day; some even start and end their day in pain.

There are two types of pain: acute and chronic. Acute pain can be mild or severe and may be caused by a broken bone, bruise, sprain or even a cut. It is a new pain. Chronic pain is different. It can last for six months or more and may be accompanied by exhaustion, insomnia or weight changes.

Whatever the type of pain, some people resort to painkillers to alleviate the symptoms. On the surface, there is nothing wrong with getting rid of the pain. No one wants to live with discomfort. Taking medication to reduce the intensity of the pain often only masks the causes of the problem. Wouldn’t it be better to find the true cause and treat it directly? Of course it would. Ask Dr. Lee L. Petrucci how LaGrange Chiropractic can be a part of successfully alleviating pain anywhere in your body.

Dr. Lee L. Petrucci, DC provides Chiropractic Care to the following locations: Crestwood, Oldham County,  Buckner, Bedford, Campbellsburg, Carrollton, and La Grange KY.

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