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Millions of people suffer from regular headaches. Medically known as “cephalgia”, a headache can be caused by many different reasons. They can be associated with certain activities and be felt in intense, throbbing bursts or dull, constant aches. While there are many different causes of headaches, some of the most common are related to misalignment of the spine and neck.

Chiropractic services like the ones at LaGrange Chiropractic can provide painless, drug-free treatment and relief from constant headaches. Call us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Lee Petrucci and find out if your headaches can be controlled with regular chiropractic treatment.

Types of Chiropractic Treatment for Headaches

Depending on the type of headaches you suffer from, there are a number of chiropractic approaches to treatment. Below, you’ll find a short list of the most common types of headaches people visit a chiropractor for and how they are treated.

Tension Headaches

A tension headache is caused by muscle contractions in the head and neck region. The pain experienced by them is often described by patients as a dull pressure around the forehead with some reporting sensitivity around the area and scalp.

While a chiropractor will have to thoroughly assess a patient to discern the cause of their tension headaches and best approach to treatment, the most common chiropractic therapy for tension headaches involves manipulating the two upper cervical vertebrae.

Cervical Headaches

Cervicogenic headaches are strange in that they aren’t actually related to the head; they are a type of referred pain caused by a problem in the neck.

Cervicogenic headaches:

  • Start at the base of the skull and can wrap around the head and rest above the eyes.
  • Also frequently cause lightheartedness.
  • Mimic the symptoms of tension headaches and migraines.

Cervical manipulation related to the neck and spinal region can alleviate the symptoms of cervicogenic headaches. For those who seek a non-invasive, drug-free treatment for their neck headaches, LaGrange Chiropractic offers a variety of solutions.

Chiropractic Treatment for Headaches

LaGrange Chiropractic offers a wide range of chiropractic techniques and treatments for headaches. A chiropractor doesn’t just help alleviate pain at the moment; they also provide tips and techniques for you to try at home that can reduce the likelihood of experiencing pain in the future.

Dr. Lee L. Petrucci offers high-quality, compassionate chiropractic care at LaGrange Chiropractic in Crestwood, Oldham County, Buckner, Bedford, Campbellsburg, Carrollton and La Grange, Kentucky. Get the relief you need and request an appointment today by calling today.

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