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Carpal Tunnel


Affecting nearly 5% of all Americans, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is one of the most debilitating and widely-spread repetitive strain injuries facing adults today. In simple terms, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is mainly the result of a pinched nerve in the wrist. This condition typically reveals itself through numbness, tingling and pain in the thumb and fingers. Since repetitive strain injuries are complex in nature, we are still learning about these conditions and how to treat them.

For those wishing to try a conservative approach before committing to surgery or prescription drugs, chiropractic care is an excellent choice, as they offer some of the most reliable non-invasive treatment techniques of CTS. Now we’ll take a look at some popular treatment methods Chiropractors use to target Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Chiropractic Adjustments for Carpal Tunnel

With their extensive knowledge and understanding of the interconnectivity present in the human body, Chiropractors can help in spotting and addressing the root problem of CTS. Often time, misalignment of the spine contributes to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. In this instance, the Chiropractor would perform adjustments of the upper spine and correct any misalignments.

Stretching for Carpal Tunnel

Along with physical therapists, Chiropractors have a great working knowledge of effective stretching techniques. They are adequately trained in a variety of effective stretches which can be used to tame, and even eradicate Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. While in a small number of cases, stretching alone has been sufficient treatment for CTS, it is generally not a cure-all. It is more commonly seen as part of a treatment plan, along with a number of other methods the Chiropractor sees fit to implement.

Wrist Supports for Carpal Tunnel

After diagnosing a patient with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, it is not uncommon for a Chiropractor to suggest the use of a wrist splint or similar device. These are used to stabilize the wrist and minimize the pressure placed on the median nerve, whose compression often leads to CTS. Wrist splints are often worn during sleep, in order to keep the wrist in a static position and promote alignment. Splints are not, however, recommended as a long-term treatment. Long-term use of wrist splints and the inactivity involved with them can cause gradual weakening of the muscles and even muscle atrophy.

These are just a few of the many treatment methods that Chiropractors typically implement with CTS-inflicted patients. Only a qualified medical professional will be able to accurately diagnose and treat conditions such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

If you reside in Oldham, Carrollton, Crestwood, Bedford, Buckner, Campbellsburg, Henry, or Trimble Counties and are experiencing the symptoms commonly associated with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, please call LaGrange Chiropractic for a consultation with Dr. Lee Petrucci.

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