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How Can You Fix a Herniated Disc?

herniated disc, How Can You Fix a Herniated Disc?

A herniated disc can cause a plethora of problems such as back pain, leg pain, numbness, and tingling. Perhaps you have been diagnosed with sciatica, degenerative disc disease, or spinal stenosis and are unsure if your discomfort will ever go away. Here at La Grange Chiropractic in La Grange, Kentucky we offer a safe and effective treatment option that gives our patients immense relief from herniated discs and the pain that comes with them.

Before you give up hope or resort to surgery, consider a non-invasive therapy that is effective in 89% of herniated and bulging disc cases: spinal decompression therapy.

How Can You Fix a Herniated Disc?

Spinal Decompression Explained

Spinal decompression therapy utilizes a specialized traction table or motorized device that stretches the spine, creating space between the vertebrae and taking pressure off the discs. This negative pressure draws herniations and bulges back into the disc. Creating space between the vertebrae also promotes essential nutrients to pass through the discs, improving their function and overall health.

By gradually putting tension on the spine and then releasing it, pinched nerves are relieved, bulging discs are rehydrated and discs are moved back into place. Many people feel relief from their symptoms after their first session. However, for long term pain relief, several sessions may be necessary. Many of our patients complete their treatments and walk away 100% pain-free. It may seem like a miracle, but it’s really just a matter of understanding how the body works and what it needs to function properly.

Is It Painful?

Spinal decompression therapy is not only pain-fee, it is gentle and relaxing. Many people deeply enjoy the sensation of the treatment and start feeling relief after the first session. There will be a shut-off switch close by if for any reason you need to stop the treatment immediately.

What If I Have Had Surgery?

If you have had spinal surgery, spinal decompression therapy is still completely safe. In fact, many patients find that decompression therapy helps issues that surgery could not. It is a great method for preventing surgery as well as recovering from surgery.

How Long Are the Sessions?

Decompression sessions typically take less than 20 minutes. This is less time than pain medications usually take to kick in!

Understanding Your Condition

What Is the Purpose of Spinal Discs?

We have 23 discs in our spine, located between each vertebra. Their purpose is to:

  • Absorb the shock from our movements
  • Protect the vertebra from hitting each other by creating a cushion between them 
  • Protect the nerves running along the spine
  • Allow for spinal mobility (twisting, bending, walking)
  • Act as ligaments to hold the spine together

What Is a Herniated Disc?

Spinal discs, when healthy, are made up of two separate and distinct layers. The outer layer, called the annulus fibrous, forms a tough exterior that surrounds and protects the gel-like interior called the nucleus pulposis. As we age, the nucleus pulposis becomes dry and stiff, causing it to weaken. Referred to as disc degeneration, the disc becomes less capable of absorbing the shock from our movements over time.

As the condition of the disc gets worse, the inner layer of the disc begins to bulge or protrude into the outer layer. When deterioration occurs even more the inner layer actually breaks through the tough walls of the outer layer. In the more severe stages, the inner layer herniates completely through the outer layer and moves outside of the disc into the spinal canal. There are nerves surrounding the disc, which is why any protrusion can press against the nerves and cause pain.

What Causes a Herniated Disc?

A disc herniation can occur for many different reasons. Daily wear and tear that occurs during movements such as walking, bending, and twisting can cause degeneration. Much like a car’s shock absorbers wear out over time with use, so do our spinal discs. Our discs work hard to support our movements and eventually begin to weaken. Sitting for many hours every day can also cause a lot of compression to the discs, possibly resulting in herniation.

Another cause of disc problems is experiencing an injury or accident. For example, getting in a car accident could cause a sudden jarring impact strong enough to herniate discs. Lifting heavy objects with improper posture can cause herniations to happen as well. Other physical trauma that occurs from playing sports or engaging in hobbies that result in accidents can also be the cause of disc problems. As herniations worsen, so too can the pain and other symptoms.

Experience Relief Quickly and Comfortably

Are you ready for a solution that is highly effective and feels good too? Would you like to join our hundreds of patients who enjoy a pain-free life? You may be surprised at how simple this treatment is and how fast you feel relief. Do yourself a huge favor and schedule your first appointment with us today with La Grange Chiropractic in La Grange, Kentucky. We look forward to helping you feel better very soon!

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