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How Can I Relieve Muscle Stiffness? 10 Reasons to Get Dry Needling

dry needling, How Can I Relieve Muscle Stiffness? 10 Reasons to Get Dry Needling

A sore or stiff muscle, whether from exercise, overuse, or misuse, can negatively alter the entire course of your whole day or week. The pain can last for months. Physical pain affects your entire being and can lead to emotional reactions toward yourself and others. If you’ve been looking for relief from minor or chronic muscle stiffness, our experts at La Grange Chiropractic in La Grange, KY can help you find that relief through a technique called dry needling.

10 Reasons to Get Dry Needling

1. It Treats Muscle Pain at the Source

If you reach for a pain reliever when muscle pain hits, you’re essentially applying a bandaid to the problem and not addressing what is actually causing the issue. When the pain reliever wears off, the pain returns, you’re back to square one, and you’ll probably reach for another pill.

Pain relievers don’t treat the issue, and overuse can lead to serious side effects such as liver damage. This technique will help attack and resolve the muscle pain at its source.

2. It Helps Relieve Muscle Knots

Muscle pain often stems from the development of knots, bands of tightness that cause the muscle to lock in place and inhibit range of motion and muscle movement.

Knots develop for several different reasons, including muscle overuse, poor posture, not exercising, poor quality or not enough sleep, vitamin deficiencies, compressed nerves, arthritis, or any physical trauma to the muscle. This technique will help remove the knots in your muscles.

2. It Resets the Muscles

Dry needling has the unique ability to reset muscles that have become accustomed to a locked position. A session will help the muscles move the way they are supposed to.

This technique effectively is like a reset button for your muscles that when pushed, greatly diminishes your pain. You’ll be able to move in ways that you previously were unable to and can return to the activities that once caused you pain.

3. It’s Safe

Dry needling is a safe and effective treatment that has provided relief for many people with no harmful side effects. This natural treatment isn’t high-risk or invasive. You won’t have to take days off work to recover from it; you’ll book your appointment and carry on with your life immediately after.

4. It’s Sterile

This technique uses ultra-fine, sterile acupuncture needles. You don’t need to worry about compromising your health or your safety when you choose this treatment.

5. It’s Performed By a Professional

Since a well-trained professional performs this treatment, you can trust that when you come into our offices for your appointment, you’ll be treated by the best. This treatment isn’t a DIY you can do at home for natural muscle relief; it’s a highly skilled technique that requires the knowledge of a professional in the chiropractic field.

6. It’s Fast-Acting

After this treatment, you can forget your anti-inflammatory pills, steroid shots, ice packs, or any other method you’ve been trying unsuccessfully to find relief from your muscular pain.

This treatment works quickly; every session only improves what is causing the pain instead of masking it. Not only is this technique one of the most fast-acting and effective treatments for muscle pain, but it’s also long-lasting.

7. It Repairs and Restores Muscles

Dry needling benefits the muscles in many ways. It eases muscle pain while reducing tension in the muscles and restores a normal range of motion to those who have limited movement due to an injury or general tightness. Another benefit of this treatment is that it increases the recovery time for muscle injuries that may otherwise take a much longer time to heal.

8. It Helps You Perform Better

Whether you’re a professional athlete or bodybuilder, or you enjoy keeping yourself at peak physical fitness, this technique will help you perform better.

Whether you’re being held back by tight muscles or you want increased pliability in your muscles so that you can perform at an optimum level, routine dry needling treatments will help you reach your goals.

9. It Provides Natural Pain Relief

Needles and pain relief typically don’t go hand in hand, but in this case, they absolutely do. During this technique, the body releases neurotransmitters that work by interrupting the pain signal between your muscle and your brain and spinal cord.

You’ll also get a rush or different endorphins during and after the treatment that will provide you with quick, effective, and natural pain relief.

10. You’ll Be Able to Go Back to Your Favorite Activities

This technique helps restore muscle pliability, relieves pain, increases circulation, and loosens muscle knots.

You’ll find relief from chronic pain and you’ll be able to get back to the activities you love but haven’t been able to do because of your muscle stiffness and pain, whether that’s going for a walk or sprinting at the gym. Your muscle pain shouldn’t hold you back and dry needling will help you live the active life you want to.

Contact Us to Learn More

Now that you know some of the many reasons to get dry needling, you also know that you don’t have to live with your muscle pain and stiffness any longer. Relief from muscle stiffness and a return to the activities you love is just one appointment away.

Call us today at La Grange Chiropractic in La Grange, KY and schedule your initial consultation and learn more about dry needling and all that it can do for you and your muscle stiffness and pain.

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