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Benefits of Deep Tissue Laser Therapy

Deep Tissue

Pain is a part of most any healing process. If you fall and scrape your knee, your body will respond with a sensation of pain and some swelling. These reactions of the body are a normal part of how the body works. If these reactions did not take place, you would not be fully aware that damage was done to the tissues of your body, and the healing process would be virtually nonexistent without the presence of swelling. These two aspects of our healing response can become a problem for many people. Unfortunately, sometimes the soreness lingers and does not want to go away. Other times the healing process is slow, and pain sticks around until well after the healing is over. When soreness and aches linger, however, this is when you might visit your doctor in search of a pain-free solution. It is easy for your doctor to want to prescribe you some type of a pain relieving medication in hopes of taking the edge off the sensation where it hurts. Yet, while many doctors are only too happy to toss drugs at your painful experience, modern advancements in laser therapy have come up with a deep tissue laser treatment that helps to mitigate the ongoing painful response of the body. This type of treatment shows promise because it bypasses the patient’s need to come in for drugs and surgery. This advancement alone, from the perspective that the therapy is able to achieve significant pain reduction for the patient, will serve as a truly cost-effective approach to pain management.

About the No Drugs or Surgery Option

With all the interesting things being done with lasers these days, it is not surprising that lasers prove to be an effective solution for helping the body to heal even from considerable pain and suffering. Since deep tissue laser therapy bypasses the need for drugs, there is no issue with patients overusing pain medications to the point of developing something serious like an opioid addiction. Deep tissue laser therapy has the advantage that it is non-addictive. Since laser therapy bypasses the need for surgery, it leaves the patient with an extremely short recovery time by comparison with traditional surgical options.

To learn more about deep tissue laser therapy, contact us today at La Grange Chiropractic and schedule your consultation with our qualified team in La Grange, Kentucky!

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